The original premium income received by the insurance companies refers to the premium income from original insurance contracts confirmed by the insurance companies. 原保险保费收入是指保险企业确认的原保险合同保费收入。
There is a danger that risks may be transferred from one company to another and finally to some unreliable companies or even back to the original insurance companies unintentionally. 不过,风险有可能从一家公司转移至另一家公司,最终可能会落在不可靠的公司手中,或甚至无意中风险又回到原始保险公司手中。
The Research on Legal System of Original Agricultural Insurance Organization for Commercial Purpose 商业性农业原保险组织法律制度研究
An original advertisement of insurance. 一个很有创意的保险广告。
Original policy or insurance certificate and the original commercial invoice. 保险单或保险凭证(大、小保单)原件以及商业发票原件。
Insurance card is by insurance company the autograph is sent protect door, the main content in original of account insurance policy, for protecting a card that carries or simple evidence. 保险卡是由保险公司签发给保户的、记载保险单正本中的主要内容、供保户随身携带的卡片或简单的凭证。
When the cedant adjusts the balance of the unearned premium reserve of the original insurance contract on the balance sheet date, it shall adjust the amount of the receivable reinsurance unearned premium reserve accordingly. 再保险分出人应当在资产负债表日调整原保险合同未到期责任准备金余额时,相应调整应收分保未到期责任准备金余额。
Be sure to keep a copy of the receipt I give you when you send the original to the insurance company. Then, if there is any question about your bills, you will have a record. 您将我给您的收条寄到保险公司时必须将收据复制一份留着,万一关于您的账单有什么问题,您手里还有记录。
The reinsurance contract, named in contrast with the original insurance contract, is a classification of the insurance contract. Based on the identity of the reinsurance contract, the article makes some comments on the independent nature with consideration of its relationship with the original insurance contract. 再保险合同是相对于原保险合同的一种保险合同分类,本文立足再保险合同的性质界定,并予以简要评说,结合再保险合同与原保险合同的关系,论述了再保险合同的独立性特点。
Reinsurance, like the original insurance, is regulated in different degrees by every country. 再保险同原保险一样,受到各国政府不同程度的监管。
The reinsurance contract is either not independent on the original insurance independent of the origin insurance contract. 再保险合同一方面离不开原保险合同,另一方面则是独立于原保险合同的。
Reinsurance has shorter history than the original insurance. 在我国,保险业是一个非常年轻的产业,再保险与原保险比起来,其历史更短。
The original insurance company is living, and the introduction has been underway to risk management what relates to in the process the fundamental theory, The reparations issue example of case to myself what is living in the actual work process to encounter X insurance company is dissected. 本文就保险公司在风险管理过程中涉及的基本理论进行了介绍,并就本人在实际工作过程中遇到的X保险公司的一个赔偿纠纷案例进行了剖析。
As an important part of the insurance intermediary market, appearance of the insurance broker has broken the original interest mode of insurance market, increased the important of the insured and gradually motivated insurance market to attain balance. 其中,作为保险中介市场的重要组成部分,保险经纪人的出现更是打破了保险市场的旧有利益格局,加重了被保险一方的砝码,使得保险市场的天平逐渐趋于平衡。
To establish the perfect policy agricultural original insurance organizations, the first step is to make a clear concept of the organizations, and legal status and the system function. 建立完善的政策性农业原保险组织,首先需要明确其概念。
However, compared to comprehensive commercial insurance companies, because commercial agricultural insurance companies mainly run original agricultural insurance, the conditions of establishment are more stringent, which mainly contains the minimum amount of registered capital, management, staff qualifications and so on. 但与综合性商业保险公司相比,商业性农业保险公司因主营农业原保险业务,其设立条件往往更加严格,主要体现在最低注册资本额、管理人员资格等方面。
As well as original insurance of policy-oriented agricultural organization and cooperation organization, they constitute the original micro-insurance system. 其与政策性农业原保险组织以及合作性农业原保险组织共同构成农业原保险微观组织体系。
The view of this paper recommends the original insurance contract adopts the deferred ratio method, which have a better benefit for the development of insurance company. 本文的观点是建议对原保险合同取得成本采用递延配比法,这样更利于保险公司的发展。
In 2003 the State Council administrative rules and regulations in order to formulate the form of industrial injury insurance regulations, the original industrial injury insurance of the legal system to be unsatisfactory to some extent overcome. 2003年国务院以行政法规的形式制定《工伤保险条例》,我国原工伤保险法律制度不足之处得到某种程度的克服。
Since 1978, China has reformed the social security system and gradually converted the original insurance business into the social insurance. 中国自1978年开始对社会保障制度改革,由原本的企业保险逐步转换成为如今社会保险的形式。
The original aim of liability insurance is to disperse and transfer compensation liability of the insurant for the third party. It exists only for the benefit of the insurant. 责任保险最初创立的目的在于分散和转移被保险人对第三人应承担的赔偿责任风险,是纯粹为保护被保险人利益而存在的一种险种。
Firstly this paper analyses original Social Insurance System of province, base this it designs function framework of Core Platform and implement the subsystem of base pay for insurance management. 本文首先分析了原省社保系统,在此基础上设计了RSICP的功能结构,并实现了其中的缴费基数管理子系统。
Original agricultural insurance organization for commercial purpose is corporation or other economical organizations, which are established by law, in order to profit, mainly run or minor in original agricultural business. 商业性农业原保险组织是指依法设立的、以营利为目的、主营或兼营农业原保险业务的企业法人或其他经济组织。
But our original industrial injury insurance system only covered the citizens of the town enterprises and institutions and was exclusive to the rural migrant workers. 而我国原有的工伤保险制度仅仅覆盖城镇的企事业单位的公民,将这些城镇居民之外的边缘人群的农民工排除在安全网之外。
In the fourth part, propose coal enterprises ternary model of industrial injury insurance based on the the original industrial injury insurance system. 第四部分是在吉林省原有的煤矿工伤保险机制的基础上,提出了构建煤矿企业工伤保险的三元模式。
The purpose of the original agricultural insurance organization for commercial purpose is profit, which determines it is essentially different from the latter two. 商业性农业原保险组织设立宗旨的营利性特征决定其与后两者有着本质的区别。
China, the country with the largest population in the world and a growing number of old people, is facing the big challenge of its original basic pension insurance system. 作为世界人口大国的我国,随着人口老龄化进程的不断深入,原来单一的基本养老保险模式面临着越来越严峻地考验。
At present, all countries in the world carry out policy agricultural original insurance rely mainly on three types of organizations: the commercial agriculture insurance organizations, the cooperative nature of the agricultural insurance organizations, as well as the specialized policy agricultural original insurance organizations. 目前世界各国开展政策性农业保险主要借助三类组织:商业性农业保险组织、合作社性质的农业保险组织以及专门的政策性农业原保险组织。
Firstly, the main terms of the re-insurance contract is different from the original insurance contracts. 首先,在主体部分介绍了原保险人和再保险人的不同类型。